What impact have bag laws had on local environments and economies? Here are impact analyses and implementation reports on municipal regulatory measures. Also: arguments for bag fees.
Resources for Reducing Plastic Bags in Your Community
Texts of legislation banning plastic bags passed or proposed in Massachusetts and elsewhere, with notes on some of the options your community can consider.
Informational resources about plastic bags, including their effects on the economy and the environment.
There is a common misconception that polystyrene has a smaller impact on the environment than plastic. Click here to see why this view is mistaken.
Powerpoints, handouts, FAQs, and other campaign materials developed by Mass Green Network members in their efforts to reduce bag waste in their communities.
Replacing plastic bags with more ecologically responsible products is a great first step. Why not go further and replace disposable products with reusable ones?
Primers on alternatives to plastic bags, with information on local and online vendors.